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Tag: Liability

VRP wants to discuss Renters' Insurance Needs

     Those who rent out property or live in apartments have it lucky. There is a renters policy designed especially for tenants.  Most insurance companies commonly use renters insurance to protect a tenants assets and belongings.  The policy usually covers possessions for common causes of loss, additional living expenses related to making other living arrangements, medical expenses for treating people insured on your property,...

Beauticians and Barbers Professional Liability

Beauty salons offer a wide range of services such as hair styling, dressing, cosmetic application, perms, shampooing, tweezing/waxing, facials, trimming, bleaching and dyeing, manicures, and pedicures. Nowadays, salons offer even a wider range of services that involve high risks. Currently, salons offer an even wider array of services that cross into the area of medical and surgical procedures.  Such procedures involve higher level of risks....

Liability issues can arise from entertainment

In every town or city, big or small, there is always some type of nightlife scene. Nightlife events become filled to capacity with people, gathering to eat, drink, and be entertained by live bands, DJs or karaoke. There are many performers who provide these services do so as their business, however, the vast majority do not. Usually, performers do nightlife performances as a hobby and...